Sex, Prose & Rock'n'Roll

It's a luscious mix of words & tricks, with the odd mp3 thrown in for good measure.

Location: Sydney, Australia

An NYC mind in an LA world, living and listening in Sydney, Australia.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"I'm eating scrambled eggs, from a shoe, with a comb."

Remember that episode of Black Books where the back room is really, really messy, and Manny says it look like Dresden? My room's a bit like that. Yes, it's true. I am a royal slob of the first order. Let metell a story to illustrate.

A few weeks ago I peered into a polystyrene cup at the back of my desk. As I don't have a fridge in my room I often bring cups of milk down from the dining room so I can have tea at my desk while I pretend to work. This one used to have milk in it. As I peered over the rim in trepidation, already suspicious due to the fact that I couldn't actually smell anything resembling sour milk, I was surprised to see that the ex-milk had only developed a slight skin around the edge of the meniscus (how often do you get to use that word? HOW OFTEN?). Nevertheless, I'm doing Arts, not Science, so I decided to forgo testing what would happen in another week or so, and picked it up to throw it in the bin outside my room.

And the milk didn't move in the cup. Not a ripple. It had solidified. I tipped it slowly, all the while dreading a sauce-bottle-esque sudden rush of liquid. At about 40 degrees, the edge of whatever it now was slowly but jerkily pulled away from the side of the cup, like a band-aid being removed from arm skin. At that I shook my head and regained my senses, and scurried outside to drop the offending mutated dairy product in the bin. To this day I don't want to know exactly what it was about the air in my room. Moral of the story: somebody, please, buy me a mini fridge.

But I swear, as soon as my exams are over, I'll clean. I have to anyway, as next semester I'm moving - to the room across the hall from Princess Paris. And she can't take mess. I've never told her about the milk, so let's hope she doesn't decide to start reading my blog now. As long as I keep my floor clean and my hair pretty, she'll still love me.

~mp3~ The Rakes - "The World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect"

PS. After that DJ played "Neighboorhood #3 (Power Out)" on Saturday night, I've realised what a great song it is. I don't think I'm going to be getting over my cynicism regarding the Arcade Fire any time soon - the hype ruined them for me - but I'm one step closer to being able to appreciate the music for itself.


Blogger Baron von Hutch said...

Oh no.. don't say that. I just decided last week that Funeral by Arcade Fire is in my top 10 albums of all time. Time to get over that cynicism!

2:13 pm  

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Female/16-20. Lives in Australia/New South Wales/Sydney, speaks English. Eye color is green. I am skinny. I am also creative. My interests are Writing/Music.
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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, Female, 16-20, Writing, Music.