Sex, Prose & Rock'n'Roll

It's a luscious mix of words & tricks, with the odd mp3 thrown in for good measure.

Location: Sydney, Australia

An NYC mind in an LA world, living and listening in Sydney, Australia.

Friday, January 20, 2006

the fey and the filthy

if they didn't call it ILLEGAL downloading, it wouldn't be half as much fun.

introducing, in addition to my new favourite variously-obtained tunes, my mp3-blog downloads of the week! these are thanks muchly to kind-of new fave, music for kids who can't read good (consistently giggle-worthy indie blog by a seppo with tops taste, themed loosely around a certain really really ridiculously good-looking man) and brand new favie you ain't no picasso. these boys do their mousework (as opposed to legwork) to find me the best tunes, like, ever, and post them up for sampling purposes only. who knows how long it would have taken me to get into amazing acts such as The Like, Mae, Hot Chip and Of Montreal without online indieheads like these.

new shins! (DL soonish from YANP). you can hear at the beginning that one of the boys (i think it's marty) mentions they're in australia, and judging by the date of the bootleg (the seventh of jan) it was recorded maybe in melbourne? (they played the falls at new years, and syd-er-ny on the 11th, so i'm coming from the south here.) I was utterly, utterly devastated to have to miss both the falls festival and their sydney show, i saw them last feb and afterwards i had to be dragged out of the metro by my friend to stop me gazing, slack-jawed, at the stage somewhere beyond where the roadies packing up marty's keyboards... but newness is the essence of squeeness, and squeeness is the essence of shin-ness.

jose gonzales, "heartbeats". gorgeous, gorgeous, fey, touching scandi-pop. (yes, he's swedish. he's not a sparkly-jacket-wearing caballero.) it conjures images of a lovely, lovely ex-boyfriend stroking your hair while explaining gently how something so beautiful turned into something so sad. this is the one used in the ad for that new bravia TV, i think it's sony, with all the coloured balls bouncing softly down a street. it MAKES that ad. the album's called veneer. get. (coincidentally, we just got one of those TVs, with a Tivo-type thing. hurrah!)

cat power, "the greatest". read this Music(for robots) entry to hear pretty much exactly how i feel about this song. i've resisted the cat power obsession up til now, but this does not bode well for my willpower...

franz, "the fallen". i know it's a little old, but seriously folks... i got the album a week after it came out last year and if it wasn't for the shuffle function in itunes i wouldn't have got past this song. i put this on to psyche me up for any type of town-painting. fight club references, a sneaky rude-word imitation ("kunst", anybody?) and the most sock-rocking line in the short history of modern nervy dance-rock: "what's wrong with a little destruction?" i'm going to print that on a t-shirt for the BDO next week, i am so fucking wired for that day it's not even funny. i am just, like, really T-O'd, you know, because they've put franz on at the same time as end of fashion! you frickin IDiots. mads almost imploded when i told her.

speaking of mads, I must dash, in order to organise that town-painting i mentioned in yesterday's post. hurrah! peace out my lovelies.

*note to any artists (I'm talking to you, mogwai, you sonsa bitches) considering objecting to their songs being posted up with showers of adoring praise - you are not out of pocket here. people who like your music enough to go and spend money on obtaining more of it will do just that. people who do not like your music enough to spend money on obtaining more of it will not do that. as for online sampling resulting in your loss in the form of eliminating the income from people who buy the record on impulse because they like the cover or something but end up not liking it and wouldn't have bought it had they heard any of it first but now you have their money so nah-na-na-nah-nah, well number one, you are a money-grubbing cynic if that's how you think. and number two, all the people who hear the music and THEN buy the record who wouldn't have heard it otherwise will without doubt make up for that tiny loss. now stop complaining, you sons of silly persons.


-at big days out
-side shows - the kings arms in auckland tonight, the gaelic club the day after the syd BDO, and corner hotel the day after the melboring BDO.
kelley stoltz (see him if you can, he's awesome)
-grace emily, adelaide tonight
-harvest festival in victoria on sunday

current tune: damien rice - cross-eyed bear (buy from itunes)


Blogger Emma said...

i was at the shins show and they said that they hoped to be back in australia before the end of the year because they like coming here so much... just thought that might cheer you

11:40 pm  

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Female/16-20. Lives in Australia/New South Wales/Sydney, speaks English. Eye color is green. I am skinny. I am also creative. My interests are Writing/Music.
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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, Female, 16-20, Writing, Music.