Sex, Prose & Rock'n'Roll

It's a luscious mix of words & tricks, with the odd mp3 thrown in for good measure.

Location: Sydney, Australia

An NYC mind in an LA world, living and listening in Sydney, Australia.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

may the sauce be with you.

As of Monday I will be a member of/contributor to everyone's favourite Aussie music blog, The Sandwich Club. I'm extremely excited. File hosting! People actually read it! I'm the only female contrib! But seriously, I was stoked to be invited. Clubs were, like, THE thing in Year Six, and only once did I ever get asked into the cool one. These boys know their tunes and, most delightfully, unlike most of the other blogs I read, they actually talk about gigs I can go to. A girl can only read so many posts saying "We Are Scientists & Cold War Kids playing Scranton!" without snapping a few pencils in bitter fury. Add us to your favourites and stop in for a bite every now and then.

More good news (the universe owes me after the semester I've had): as a reviewer for my uni's weekly rag, I get to preview the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie on Wednesday morning! Unfortunately I can't take anyone with me - it would have been brilliant to be able to see the look on a friend's face as I said "want some early Deppage?" but it's the media preview screening and there are no plus ones. Oh, and when I say "early Deppage" I mean early, it's at 9:30 in the morning. On a Wednesday. That'll be weird. But I'll let you know how it goes...

I've been watching a lot of Boston Legal lately and my poor fried brain just threw up a random image of Captain Jack Sparrow and Denny Crane in a never-ending loop of self-affirmation.

Jack: Captain Jack Sparrow.
Denny: Denny Crane.
Jack: Captain Jack Sparrow.
Denny: Denny Crane.

And so on. Oh, lordy me, I cannot WAIT until this semester is over.

~mp3~ Gay For Johnny Depp - "Kill The Cool Kids"
~mp3~ William Shatner - "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"


Blogger mistress mess said...

Wheee! Check out all your updates, Jude. I'm overcome with emotion.

8:37 am  
Blogger Monica Tan said...

This made me laugh! Thumbs up your blog.

x kb

12:44 am  

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Female/16-20. Lives in Australia/New South Wales/Sydney, speaks English. Eye color is green. I am skinny. I am also creative. My interests are Writing/Music.
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Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, English, Female, 16-20, Writing, Music.